Saturday, May 14, 2011

Michael rockin'

Michael wasn’t the first artist to write “We Are The World”. Quincy Jones wanted Stevie Wonder to write the song, but Stevie ended up not doing the song. Michael was Quincy’s second choice to write it.

Jackson singing

According to Guinness World Records, Jackson’s 1982 album Thriller is the biggest-selling album of all time, selling over 65 million copies.

Michael with one of his guitarists

Michael purchase Neverland Ranch in 1988.

Michael in one of his concerts

Bought the publishing rights to the Beatles songs in 1985.

Michael in one of the Beat It video scene

Madonna and Child, a sculpture of Michael Jackson by Swedish-born artist Maria von Köhler which depicts the famous moment in Berlin in 2002 when Jackson dangled his baby out of a window, outraged Jackson fans in London.